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I am a Geomatics Engineer currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Satellite Communication and Remote Sensing at Istanbul Technical University, which I will be completing in July 2024. My thesis focuses on transformer-based semantic segmentation models. My professional experience includes roles as a Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, and Research Assistant, where I applied deep learning algorithms to a variety of tasks such as agricultural boundary delineation, land use/land cover segmentation, and road extraction from historical maps. I possess a strong skill set in Python, PyTorch, and a wide range of deep learning tools. Additionally, I have extensive experience with implementing state-of-the-art Hugging Face models. My research has been published in reputable journals, reflecting my commitment to advancing the field of data science.


1) Cengiz Avcı, Elif Sertel, and Mustafa Erdem Kabadayı. “Deep Learning-Based Road Extraction From Historical Maps.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19 (2022): 1-5. 2) Sertel, E., Avci, C., & Kabadayi, M. E. (2023, July). Deep Learning-Based Land Use Land Cover Segmentation of Historical Aerial Images. In IGARSS 2023-2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 2622-2625). IEEE. 3) Cengiz, Avcı, et al. “Comparison between random forest and support vector machine algorithms for LULC classification.” International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 8.1: 1-10.

My Talks & Projects

Talk On School of AI

I show hands-on machine learning experiments using Google Earth Engine and remote sensing data. You will see #wildfire detection and #watersecurity analysis examples within this lecture.

Machine Learning with GEE using Earth Observation Data

Climate App

An application I developed while I was working as a ML Intern at FarmOn that calculates the future climate resemblance of different locations. This tool is designed to help determine the similarity between the current climate of a location and the projected climate of another location in the future.


🌎 clustermap 🌎